利用 Encore 改變遊戲規則的 AI 解決方案即時增強活動體驗

我們尖端的 AI 解決方案專為滿足整個亞太地區的活動策劃人和場地活動經理的需求而設計,協助您輕鬆精準地舉辦非凡的活動。從即時觀眾參與度分析、任何語言的即時翻譯,到使用多機視訊會議系統的動態參與式會議。

AI 洞察力


AI 驅動的觀眾參與度洞察力

想像一下,能夠根據即時回饋即時調整您的活動,確保每個環節、每位演講者和每項活動都完全符合與會者的興趣? 有了 AI Insight,您就可以做到這一點。

AI 翻譯


AI 翻譯


AI 會議攝影機


AI 會議攝影機

有沒有想過,為什麼我們可以看電視螢幕數小時,但視訊會議卻讓我們精疲力竭?現在,您可以利用最先進的攝影機和即時的裝置 AI 導演來提高會議的參與程度和專注力,這是全球首創。

AI Technology: The Future of Events is Now

future of events with AI - ai solutions for events

In the rapidly evolving landscape of event management, staying ahead of the curve is crucial. As we look to the future, one thing is clear: Artificial Intelligence, or AI technology is revolutionising the events industry in a BIG way. AI is no longer a concept of the future or a temporary fad; it is right here, right now and here to stay, transforming how we plan, manage, and execute events. AI technology for events brings a new level of efficiency, personalisation, and engagement that traditional methods simply cannot match.  

At Encore, we harness the power of AI to elevate your events, creating unforgettable experiences that engage and inspire your audience. Whether you are organising a conference, a corporate event, or a large-scale convention, Encore’s AI solutions can streamline processes, reduce costs, and enhance the overall experience for attendees.

future of events with AI - ai solutions for events

在快速發展的活動管理領域中,保持領先地位至關重要。當我們展望未來時,有一件事是很清楚的:人工智慧 (Artificial Intelligence) 或 AI 技術正以重大的方式徹底改變活動產業。AI 不再是未來的概念或短暫的時尚;它現在就在這裡,現在就在這裡,而且會持續下去,改變我們規劃、管理和執行活動的方式。AI 技術為活動帶來全新的效率、個人化和參與度,是傳統方法無法比擬的。

在 Encore,我們利用人工智能的力量來提升您的活動,創造難忘的體驗,吸引並激發您的觀眾。無論您是舉辦會議、企業活動或大型會展,Encore 的 AI 解決方案都能簡化流程、降低成本,並提升與會者的整體體驗。

The benefits of AI Tools for event planners


For event planners and directors, AI offers numerous benefits that can transform the way you work and how attendees experience and remember your events. AI can save you time and create efficiency through automating tedious or complex tasks, offer unparalleled insights, content personalisation and opportunities to make real-time adjustments based on audience interaction.

AI technology automates many time-consuming tasks, such as scheduling, registration, and data analysis, freeing up your time to focus on creative and strategic aspects of event planning

With AI-driven insights, you can create more engaging and interactive events that capture the attention of your audience and keep them involved throughout.

Learn more about XPAI.

AI can analyse attendee data to provide personalised recommendations and experiences, from suggesting relevant sessions to customising networking opportunities.

By optimising resources and streamlining processes, AI tools can help reduce the overall cost of event management while maintaining high standards of quality and experience.

The ability to make real-time adjustments based on live feedback ensures that your event runs smoothly and meets the needs and expectations of your attendees.

Radical Innovation: The Human Touch in an AI World

While AI brings incredible capabilities to our fingertips, it’s crucial to remember that the heart of every successful event lies in human connection. AI should be seen as a tool to enhance, not replace, the human elements that make events memorable.

>> Read blog

AI 工具為活動策劃人員帶來的好處

對於活動策劃人和總監而言,AI 提供了許多好處,可以改變您的工作方式,以及參加者如何體驗和記憶您的活動。AI 可透過自動化繁瑣或複雜的工作節省您的時間並創造效率,提供無與倫比的洞察力、內容個人化以及根據觀眾互動進行即時調整的機會。

AI 技術可自動執行許多耗時的工作,例如排程、註冊和資料分析,讓您有更多時間專注於活動規劃的創意和策略層面。

透過 AI 驅動的洞察力,您可以創造更具吸引力和互動性的活動,吸引觀眾的注意力,並讓他們全程參與。

進一步瞭解 XPAI.

AI 可以分析與會者資料,提供個人化的建議與體驗,從建議相關的課程到客製化的交流機會。

透過優化資源和簡化流程,AI 工具可協助降低活動管理的整體成本,同時維持高標準的品質和體驗。


激進創新: 人工智能世界中的人情味

雖然人工智慧為我們的指尖帶來令人難以置信的能力,但必須記住,每個成功活動的核心都在於人與人之間的聯繫。AI 應該被視為一種工具,用來強化而非取代讓活動令人難忘的人性化元素。

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使用 Encore 的活動 AI 技術擁抱未來

At Encore, we are committed to pushing the boundaries of what is possible in event management. Our AI technology for events are designed to empower event planners and directors, providing the tools and insights needed to create extraordinary events. By embracing AI technology for events, you can stay ahead of the competition, deliver unparalleled experiences, and achieve your event goals with confidence.

Discover the power of AI with Encore. Elevate your events, engage your audience, and make every moment count. Contact us today to learn more about our AI-driven solutions and how we can help you transform your next event into an unforgettable success.

在 Encore,我們致力於突破活動管理的極限。我們的活動 AI 技術旨在增強活動策劃人和總監的能力,提供創造非凡活動所需的工具和洞察力。運用 AI 活動科技,您可以在競爭中保持領先,提供無與倫比的體驗,並滿懷信心地實現您的活動目標。

探索人工智能的力量 使用 Encore。提升您的活動,吸引您的觀眾,讓每一刻都有意義。立即聯絡我們,進一步瞭解我們的 AI 驅動解決方案 以及我們如何幫助您將下一次活動轉化為難忘的成功。

發現 AI 對您活動的力量